Sunday, December 10, 2006

Japanese Cuisine
- Hougang Mall Food Court

A brightly lit signboard drew my attention, and then i realised it was selling Japanese Bentos. Having a strong liking for Japanese food, i immediately made up my mind to try it. Was quite disappointed to know that they do not serve saba and that the salmon was deepfried, but i still had a grilled unagi in the end.

Unagi Bento Set ($5.90, with miso soup)

Basically the unagi here is pregrilled with the sauce, then microwaved when ordered. When i saw that, i lowered my expectations of it. But, the unagi still turned out to be pretty delicious.

Its really soft, smooth and tender, creating a slight melt-in-your-mouth effect. The thick sauce coated on it tasted great while not oversweet.

Plus, the rice was warmed and nicely fluffed and the miso soup even had fresh tofu cubes in it.

Overall: For $5.90, there shouldn't be anything else to complain about because a decent unagi elsewhere will cos you at least $7. But, it would be much better if they can serve freshly-grilled unagi instead.

Rating: 4 /5 (For Japanese Foodcourt Fare)
Taste- 4.25 /5
Value- 4.25 /5
Presentation- 3.5 /5


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